Tag Archives: Welcome to Connecticut Podcast

W2CT Beers at the Beach series kicks off w/ Beer’d Brewing at Calf Pasture Beach

29 Apr

We’re almost in May, so we know what that means: time to think about the beach and time to think about more beer. Okay, so we’ve been thinking about beer all year long, but cut us some slack as we try to riff on this. And to help your love of open air, warm sand, and sipping on brewskis, Ken Tuccio of Welcome to Connecticut Podcast presents a series of summertime events called Beers at the Beach.

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Ken Tuccio of Welcome 2 CT Podcast Talks CT Beer Summit; Why CT Beer + Food Rules

26 Feb


Connecticut has so many great food-related stories to tell, whether it’s how a small restaurant owner got his start, a chef who became known across the state, even the country, or a person who started a brewery with a kernel of hope and a lot of luck. Thankfully we have some great platforms in CT to share those stories, from town papers like the Stamford Advocate, state magazines like Connecticut Magazine, food bloggers like ourselves to Ken Tuccio’s Welcome to Connecticut Podcast.

Ken started his podcast back in March of 2014, and it has been growing ever since. It’s no wonder since he’s been able to land some pretty fantastic interviews like Dennis Haskins aka Mr. Belding, Stew Leonard, Aarón Sánchez, and Jerry Springer. It was his love of beer, however, that has made magic happen. Yep, because of his love of beer, Ken has featured many brewers and brewery owners on his show which helped him land his sold-out CT Beer Summit right at Two Roads. We had a chance to turn the tables and ask him questions (he interviewed us on his podcast for New Years Day) about his love of CT food and beer, the future of his podcast, and how you can take part in the CT Beer Summit even if you can’t attend.

Check it out:

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