Tag Archives: barleywine

Black Hog Releases Barleywine; Launch Party at J. Timothy’s

1 Dec

Bacchus is our kinda dude. See, he’s the god who’s behind all the food, drinking, and general decadent merriment that we celebrate. Hell, without him, we’d have no blog. Would you care about us if we only wrote about eating rice cakes or salads? 

“Hey Julia, did you hear about that new blog that reviews the best rice cakes in Fairfield County?”

“Um, yeah, I have them on my favorites! They are OmNomInModerationCT, right?”

Hell no. 

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Half Full Kicks off 2014 with Barreled Barleywine, Rare Beer Night, and Community Pub Run – Stamford, CT

6 Jan


If two of your resolutions for 2014 are to run more and drink more beer, then we’ve got two great events for you that are centered around Stamford’s own Half Full Brewery.

Up first is the Community Pub Run.  Normally the run is just something small that Fleet Feet Sports in Stamford and Half Full put on, but this one’s definitely bigger with a bunch of sponsors like Nike, Fleet Foot Sports, Dinosaur Bar-b-que, Half Full, Pacific, Exhale, Harbor Point, Lululemon Athletic, Flywheel, and Elevate Fitness.  The Community Pub Run (free) begins at 6:30 pm on 1/8 at Dinosaur Bar-b-que.  You’ll go for a nice jaunt through Harbor Point and end back up at the famed finger-licking BBQ joint where there will be raffles, giveaways, and chances to try on some Nike kicks.  And, yes, don’t worry, there will be plenty of food and drinks for everybody.

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