Tag Archives: Relic Brewing

Getting lit off of CT beer @ Relic + Firefly Hollow Brewing

6 Mar

A few weeks back, we shared some of our exploits with our doppelgänger couple, Renato and Alicia Ghio. Over the course of one day of absolute decadence, we had a crazy amount of wings at J. Timothy’s, gorged on some killer BBQ at Bear’s in Hartford, and finished up the night with some Two Roads beer at the XL Center at the Hartford Wolf Pack game. Oh, we kind of left out that we visited Relic Brewing Co. and Firefly Hollow Brewing Company in between all of that madness. Yup, when we go out, we go all out.

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Celebrate Relic Brewing’s 3rd Year w/ 5 Courses + 4 Beers @ J. Timothy’s

10 Feb


Celebrating three years of brewing, Relic in Plainville is putting on another epic party. Just imagine it:

$45 (tax and tip included) gets you 5 courses of food and four full pours of beer at Relic’s nearby neighbor, J. Timothy’s! The party starts at 6:30 on Wednesday, 2/25, and will also include beer trivia with some sweet prizes. This will sell out fast, as last year’s event sold out in a wee three days.

Original Buffalo Wings

Original Buffalo Wings

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OmNomCT Reviews Relic Brewing’s Demiana on Beer411 for 12 Beers of Christmas Series

12 Dec

Demiana from Relic Brewing

Since 2009, Tony and Kaytee (two beer-loving cousins) have been fermenting awesomeness on their blog, Beer411. If ya drank it, chances are, they drank it . . . and they’ve written about it, too. Not only that, but they also offer up plenty of beer news, info, and general insights into the #Beer411 life. Just a couple of weeks ago, Tony reached out to us and asked if we wanted to be a part of his 12 Beers of Christmas guest-posting brouhaha. Um, duh! Of course we were in! So, we thought long and hard about which beer to pick and the answer came when we saw a beautiful bottle of Relic Brewing’s Demiana, a dark saison, sitting on the shelf, calling our names softly: Dan, Kristien, take me home with you, I want to put myself inside of you.”

Okay, too far? Sorry. Check out the start of this post then click through to see the rest

We’ve had saisons. We’d had plenty of saisons. But, we can’t say that we’ve had dark saisons, well, until recently when we tried Relic Brewing’s Demiana. Then again, saisons have been brewed, traditionally, in unique ways. Made as beers that would be cold and refreshing for farm workers, they were brewed with whatever local ingredients and spices were on the farm or nearby. So, it was very well possible to have a saison at one farm, while 1 mile away you could have a very different tasting saison.

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Relic Brewing Celebrates 2 Years at J. Timothy’s Taverne with Wing + Beer 4 Course Dinner – Plainville, CT

10 Feb

Relic Brewing of Plainville has been making small batch craft brews for two years now.  So, it’s only right to celebrate with lots of beer and…you guessed it…hot wings.  But, we’re not talking ’bout any old standard boring hot wings.  We’re talking ’bout the nationally recognized wings of J. Timothy’s Taverne in Plainville.  That’s right, the Daily Meal recently placed them at #2 in their “America’s 25 Best Buffalo Wings” list.

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Collabo: Beer’d and Relic Brewing Create Nano a Nano

25 Oct

Nano-a-Nano Beer Relic and Beer'd Brewing of Connecticut

Nano a Nano.  It’s a play off the classic phrase, mano a mano:  man to man.  It’s also the name of a brand new beer that has been created by two Connecticut nanobreweries (get it now?) collaborating together.  We’re talking about Beer’d Brewing in Stonington and Relic Brewing in Plainville, creating a Black Belgian Rye IPA.  You’ll find the bottles for sale and on tap throughout Eastern Connecticut, but you’ll also have a chance to try both versions at the Nano a Nano Release Party.  

A shot of what Nano a Nano looked like before brewing.  From Beer'd Brewing's FB page.

A shot of what Nano a Nano looked like before brewing. From Beer’d Brewing’s FB page.

Yes, you heard us right…both versions.  Both Beer’d and Relic created their own versions of Nano a Nano, so it’ll be really interesting to pick up any differences in the brews at Relic on 10/30 from 6-9.  And, guess what?  It’s free!

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